Buried Alive – The beginning of real life and true Love

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.-  Matthew 10 :39

Life has a way of breaking down a fighter, sapping strength from the strong man and silencing a warrior.

-1 Corinthians 1:29

Do you know how any tree grows?  To produce the tree the seed that is planted  has to first die before the growth process can begin -John 12:24. If the seed didn’t die it would remain single but if the seed does die it is able to produce many seeds. Life is full of sacrifice whether you like it or not! There comes a lot of things you have to do that you don’t want to do, people you don’t want to let go of, places you have to leave; but if you don’t make those necessary decisions for yourself they are eventually made for you and it hurts even worse than if you had let go voluntarily  in the first place….It’s all a humbling process, a breaking down.. but the strong, the wise, the ones who have found God [psalm 1] <—-the people who are planted will die to only grow stronger, wiser and more blessed than they could ever dream up for themselves.

Do you remember the story where two women brought an infant before King Solomon both claiming to be the mother? King Solomon had God given wisdom to find out who truly was the mother of the baby. He said okay I will cut the baby in half for both of you and the real mother cried, “No! Let her have him!” King Solomon then knew who the real mother was… the one who was willing to crucify her heart to save the life of her baby… That day she was granted her baby back…  because of a sacrifice… Sometimes the only way to show Love is to let go. It hurts, but you would rather see that person happy and full of life than miserable or lifeless in your arms… In this case if she didn’t trust God her baby’s life would’ve been taken.

I’m telling you right now God knows what is best for us despite our will and our deepest longings and He really cares for us!… Just like the mother; you may have to let go of what belongs to you that has been stolen from you in the first place and when God sees that you have finally developed the strength enough to trust Him and let it go… He will give it back to you in His timing! Just like the test on Abraham. God wanted to see if Abraham would sacrifice his precious son, the one he has waited decades for… like come one you think you have it bad? And I’m like Lord… give the man a break! But it just shows you how valuable our faith is to God. We are  tested and tried, pressed on every side and you feel like you just CAN’T take another breath…. but God is developing that muscle within you because in the end that’s all you have is who you’ve become as a person…not things… nor “people” just you and God….who you’ve become as a person, the faith you have and most importantly the Love you’ve developed willing to lay it all down like Jesus.

or maybe your story is more like Ruth’s. Once you make that decision to lay your options in life down To help pick up the pieces of someone else’s broken life you will find a much better future because of that sacrifice.

God knows your heart…He knows my heart and He is fully aware and sensitive to our desires but He is after the greatest love story with man, with YOU! He is looking for that someone who will bury their preconceived ideas of success and how their life is supposed to look to follow His heart and His leading even to a foreign place where your only choice is to depend on Him….that is attractive to God {psalm 45:10-11}

It will be painful at first but you will have the last laugh! psalm 126:5 So let it go, give it to God, give Him what you feel you just have to have control over because He wont relent until He has your soul. He Loves you but he knows you care to much about the things that won’t fulfill you and it hurts to see you that way so He challenges you and you get disillusioned but it’s only to bring to a place where the only thing you are holding onto is eternal, Love, real Love.

That is a beautiful fragrance, your heart….

If this post has blessed you share it! I’m working on my next blog post, stay a while;)

With Love,
